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July 30, 2003


Swami Premabrahmananda


I thought you'd like to see this:


Jack usually writes here:


Take a look, and let me know what you think, since you are the writing man online.

Crawford Kilian

Well, I'm not the writing man online, but I think a fictional blog is a neat idea. The trick will be to create the impression of random events and moods while keeping some real narrative flow.

Almost for sure, the narrator of the fictional blog will be what's called an "untrustworthy narrator," who undercuts his/her account of events and inadvertently reveals what really happened.

For example, imagine a blog written by Holden Caulfield; we'd see what was going on through his adolescent point of view, but we'd interpret events a bit differently.

And that gives me an idea for a whole new subgenre: blogs as written by Robinson Crusoe, Nick Carraway (of The Great Gatsby), Jane Eyre, et al.

Or the blogs of real people: Napoleon, Winston Churchill, Isaac Newton...Attila the Hun.

(My favourite historical factoid: "Attila" is Old Germanic for "Daddy.")


I write a fictional blog (just started it). I thought when I first had the idea that I would be out there on my own but I've discovered lots of other writers doing the same. A few examples can be found here:


Crawford Kilian

Terrific link—thanks very much, Twink!


My pleasure. I havent fully explored your site yet but I think it's going to be a useful resource for me.

Writing fiction in a blog has the great advantage of allowing you to concentrate on the content rather than worrying about the design aspects of your site but the one drawback for me at least is that blog hosts don't allow you to alter the chronological order of your posts so until I do enough entries to start archiving them anyone who visits my site has to start at the bottom and work their way to the top if they want to read the story in order. It's a bit annoying but I hope to solve it soon.

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