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February 05, 2004



Yowza. It may be a great resource, but it's got an appalling design. It's a link-fest, and gives me very little information about the relative importance of the links. Plus, it's an organizational nightmare. For example, why is there both a FAQ and a 'Tips and Guidelines' section? That's not to mention the total lack of whitespace.

Still, looks like a useful resource.

Dennis G. Jerz

Crawford, thanks for the plug, and Darren, thanks for your feedback -- I do feel that my strength in electronic media is in writing, so I'd much rather hear "great content, design sucks" than the reverse.

This is actually just one small section of a large website, and the FAQ isn't realted to writing e-text -- it's mostly related to my role as a teacher, and it's made up of questions that people (mostly my students) have really asked me.

By the way, Darren, I enjoyed your column on classic computer games(http://www.darrenbarefoot.com/creative_writing.htm),, and if you can give me the full citation info I will include it in my "Annotated Bibliography of Interactive Fiction"

"Adventure" was definitely available outside of MIT. I have a brief history of "Colossal Cave Adventure" online -- if you can stand the design ;) I've worked more diligently on the index page for my text adventure game section -- do you feel it does a better job organizing the material? I personally feel the links are too hard to find, but it's certainly a different layout than the e-text page.


And finally, since I notice you're not only into interactive fiction but also theater, you might enjoy my review of Andrew Clarvoe's play PICK UP AX.


Also check out more web writing tips from Rachel McAlpine in New Zealand ( http://www.qwc.co.nz/ ) and Anne Pepper here in Vancouver ( http://www.pepperwriting.com/editors/editors_intro.htm ).

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