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October 04, 2007


Kristina Halvorson

Ginny Redish published LETTING GO OF THE WORDS in June. It's the best book on writing for the web I've found.


Interesting comments about being "you-oriented", and the way using "I" can change what's perceived as interesting and valuable. I've found that since reading blogs, I've paid a lot more attention to bylines in newspapers. Even when the writer is speaking as "we, the institutional voice of the news business", I get more value out of the article if I know whose worldview it's coming from.

Thanks for the link, and sorry about the misspelled name (now fixed) - I'm likewise chronically misspelled and did check Amazon, but I must be too used to this Killian.


This was an excellent piece, so thank you, in advance of my comment.

The "you-oriented" approach seems like it would be appropriate for blogs, as you've suggested, however, in terms of generating action - do the same rules apply?

I read this internet marketing blog post(also canadian!)and wondered if you'd ever heard of the AIDA approach?

- attract Attention
- generate Interest
- create Desire
- call to Action

Do you think this makes sense in terms of generating sales with a services based website? I thank you in advance for your time in reading my comment, and look forward to more of your enjoyable, and enlightening posts.

Best Regards,

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