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Wow! I related to so much in your review that I don't even know where to start! I hadn't even thought of this book being good for folks writing exclusively for social media -- having a blog myself, I've told myself plenty of times that I need to have better keywords in my posts, but I rarely motivate myself to figure out how that all works. As someone who feels like they already "get" social media, I see I still have some things to learn! :)

Thanks for being on the tour!

Frances Caballo

Thanks so much for this review. I also went kicking and screaming into social media but once I immersed myself, I absolutely fell in love with it. I'm still careful about which emails I'll open and which friend requests I'll accept (I learned the hard way what can happen when I'm too lenient) but I'm still very open online. One client recently told me after a training session, "Wow! You make social media fun." That's what I try to do for people. You don't have to be a techie to master social media; you just need to experiment and keep learning about it. I wrote my book specifically for people who were uncertain about treading into this new media. I'm so glad people are liking it! If anyone has questions, please let me know. I'd love to answer them here on this blog.


Nice to have you here on your virtual tour, Frances. As long as you're here, a couple of questions:

1. I'm still worrying about the time-sink aspects of social media, especially given the known time-distortion field that computers generate: Sit down for five minutes, get up two hours later. How do you cope with maintaining your social-media presence while still meeting all the other demands on your day? Is it the efficiency of practice, or just rationing yourself, or something else?

2. These media are all virtually brand-new. But do you see anything on the social media horizon that might compete with, or even replace, media like Facebook and Twitter?

Heather J. @ TLC Book Tours

I avoided LinkedIn for years but finally took the plunge a few months back. I think I'd benefit from that particular chapter though, because I'm sure I'm not using it to the best possible end.

Thanks for being on the tour. I'm featuring your review on TLC's Facebook page today.

Frances Caballo

I apologize for my delay in responding! (I have the flu.) For me, social media isn't a "time suck." I structure my time so that in the mornings, I curate and post information. I also use an application called SocialOomph that enables me to space my tweets and LinkedIn updates throughout the day. Then in the late afternoon/early evening, I return to it and spend time being social. You can really excel at social media in just 20 to 30 minutes a day.

I don't see anything replacing Facebook or Twitter but Pinterest has become very popular and RebelMouse (not covered in the book) is gaining steam. We're moving more and more into micro blogging (few words) and great images.

Let me know if you have more questions. Thanks!


Online masters programs can be helpful when it comes to becoming a better writer.

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