Via The Standard: Lantau find sparks bird flu alert. Excerpt:
Health authorities have stepped up vigilance after a dead chicken found on Lantau Island tested positive for bird flu.
The highly decomposed chicken was found on Saturday on the shores of Sha Lo Wan, according to the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department.
The department said there are no poultry farms within three kilometers of the shore, and is investigating whether the chicken was washed up or dumped.
Nearby Sha Lo Wan Tsuen and Sha Lo Wan San Tsuen were checked but there was no evidence of any backyard poultry. The department will step up inspections of the shore and its immediate vicinity.
It has reminded poultry farmers to strengthen precautionary measures against avian influenza.
Other departments are also on alert. The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department will check imported live poultry and live poultry stalls.
The Centre for Health Protection of the Department of Health will also issue letters to doctors, schools and institutions, reminding them to promote strict personal and environmental hygiene.