Dr. John Carroll, who runs the excellent blog Dying in Haiti, has posted Urgent E-Mail from Haitian Physician (Revised). It's from a colleague he's known for years, Dr Rudolph Richeme. Read the whole message carefully; Dr. Richeme's English is not perfect, but the message comes through. Excerpt:
The panick was more at the air on friday afternoon when I was the only doc serving the hospital with 15 cholera patients and 50 in and out patients when my wife called me from Port as Rudlens our 3yo son started running high temperature and vomiting. My wife needed me so bad and she had limited help from my mom for 24h and with the pediatrician call and protocol Rudy2 settled down fortunately later.
Like I said earlier God is good to my family and for you who can be alive today as this week has been 1 of my toughest experience as doctor beside the earthquake patient management.
The medical staff of Hospital Lumiere Bonne Fin(HLBF),hosted this week 24 cholera patients and 10 of that amount is already discharged and 14 actually in the ER with 4 admissions per day and I am actually admiting at 10h30p.my 4th patient a 18 y.o.girl, but no hospital death yet fortunately.
Please,I apologize once again not to read this paragraph if you are not tough though it not related to a family member that died: Yesterday while I had the visit of OMS(World heath organization) the scene was more horrible when I had our first cholera death home call visit in Bonne Fin area by our water reservoir for the hospital where I had to help with the post mortem protocol(body bags,chlorox solution,...) ,sanitation of the environnement and education at the community.
It was unbeleivable to see a poor old man (70's)body died upside down with the buckit attached to his buttock from a severe dehydration where the signs and symptoms have started the night before last and didn't give him any chance to see yesterday's sunrise or to benefit hospital care.
I was speechless to see by the cadaver a 7 yo girl related to the old man lying on an assuming bed there conscious but not moving while everybody in the community was so afraid and didn't want to go in the house to rescue the poor child left for hours by the septic cadaver until myself and another employee by 2p.m. of the hospital get her out of there.
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