Via Dominican Barrios make good on threat; force hundreds of Haitians out. Excerpt:
At least 300 undocumented Haitians were forced out since dawn Monday from the barrios San José and La Mina in Dominican Republic's second biggest city, as the deadline issued by the two communities for the foreigners to leave expired today.
The inhabitants had repeatedly denounced that many Haitians who live there don’t work and commit crimes.
The Immigration Agency detained and later repatriated 150 undocumented Haitians from those barrios last night.
San José and La Mina Neighborhood Board president Francisco Consuegra said they delivered a letter to the authorities requesting the regulation of the cramp quarters rented to the Haitians in the city.
“Many Haitians who live in the quarters sub-let their rooms to other compatriots who are criminals and we aren’t going to allow it.”
The Immigration Agency had warned the barrio dwellers against trying to drive out the undocumented Haitians, but the residents affirm that many of the foreigners Haitians even do their physical needs in the yards of school, houses, businesses and other places, which could lead to the spread of cholera.