Via ReliefWeb, as PAHO document: Health Cluster Bulletin Cholera And Post-Earthquake Response in Haiti - #20. Highlights:
•The national strategy for combating cholera was discussed at the meetings of the Health Cluster and Intersectorial Cluster and comments were sent to the WASH and Nutrition Cluster and to OCHA.
•The definitive protocol for closing CTC/CTU will be finalized.
•A questionnaire for the treatment and follow-up of dehydrated and malnourished children was distributed to the health partners working in the CTCs, CTUs, and ORPs.
•On 24 February, 73 CTC/CTU were evaluated. The preliminary analysis indicates that "access to the Center" and the "point of exit" are the most problematic areas.
•The CHU in Arcahaie Cabaret, in West department, is seeking support for a public awareness campaign on methanol poisoning.