Thanks to MERScoV for tweeting the link to this report in, a Jordanian news source: 3 injured Jordanians Emirate Corona virus. Excerpt from a Google translation:
Amman - Ahmed Eagles - The director of health care at the Ministry of Health, Dr. Bassam Hijjawi that the tests conducted by the Public Health Agency in Abu Dhabi proved wounding three Jordanians residing there virus Coruna, who are one family (father, mother and child, 9 years old).
Said in a statement to « opinion »that the wife was hit in multiples of being pregnant and went into a coma as a result of a virus corona virus that causes AIDS Middle East respiratory unknown reasons or Kiffa treatment.
said Dr Hijjawi said the ministry had made contacts with the Health Authority of Abu Dhabi to find out the extent of injury, the family of Jordan infected with coronavirus and that the body was informed that the injured Jordanian citizen at the age (38 years), a resident of the United Arab Emirates was taken to the hospital because of respiratory problems and found a virus corona virus that causes AIDS Middle East respiratory and also hit his pregnant wife was eight months infected with the virus and was taken to hospital and tests revealed injuring their son and Umrah (9) years
It was brought into all of the hospital for the convergence of treatment. said Hijjawi that the injured (3) brothers and their wives and children and they will be (20) individuals asked them to Health Authority in Abu Dhabi, not to travel or return to Jordan for 12 days and checkups revealed not to have virus Koruna being in contact for people stressing Hijjawi said that after the passage of 12 days and did not appear on one of them symptoms will allow them to move or travel as I told him Health Authority of Abu Dhabi.
revealed Dr Hijjawi said the ministry had contacted the family of the injured in Amman and took some of the details about the lives of Jordanians who caught the virus in Abu Dhabi and asked the brother the patient to inform the Ministry of Health of any developments reach them on their families Emirates.
This sounds as if the Jordanian family has a lot of relatives also living (or visiting) in Abu Dhabi, who have been asked not to travel until they've all been cleared.