Via ReliefWeb, OCHA has published Philippines: Typhoon Haiyan Situation Report No. 16 (as of 22 November 2013). Click through to download the full report. The highlights:
Estimates of people affected by Typhoon Haiyan have fallen slightly based on new assessment data. The Government currently estimates that 13.26 million people were affected.
The number of people displaced has also decreased as people are starting to return to their land and build makeshift shelters next to their damaged houses. However, 4.29 million people remain displaced as the lack of accessible shelter and building materials is slowing down the return process and people continue to leave the worst-hit areas.
Aid delivery is gathering pace as access to affected areas improves. Partners estimate that more than 2.5 million people have received food aid and 10,000 households have received shelter materials. Over 130 medical teams are providing emergency health care in affected areas.
However, major needs remain in the distribution of food, access to clean water and the provision of shelter materials.