Via CNTV English: Hangzhou to build H7N9 prevention system. Click through to watch a video of this report.
31 patients in the Chinese mainland have died from H7N9 bird flu infection in January. So far this year, Zhejiang province reported 84 new infections, the worst-affected province in the country. Its capital Hangzhou announced it will build a system for long-term H7N9 prevention.
China's poultry industry is facing a reform. Because of the rising number of H7N9 infections, the trading of live poultry has been ordered to close permanently in east coast cities of Hangzhou and Shanghai.
Most Chinese home chefs believe there's nothing tastier than a just butchered chicken. But now fresh-killed birds will be replaced by processed poultry in the market. So, to provide both freshness and safety to consumers, the processed poultry industry needs change.
Hangzhou issued a notice on Friday to build a system for long-term H7N9 prevention. The key part is to support the upgrade of the poultry industry. A detailed plan of processed poultry trading will be rolled out late February.
"It's more convenient to buy processed chicken. You don't need to remove the feathers. It's easier to prepare. I think the freshness is OK," a Hangzhou resident said.
"I can't get used to processed chicken. I try to eat less chicken, and eat more pork and fish. Frozen or processed chicken won't be as tasty as fresh killed ones," a Hangzhou resident said.
Officials say the trading of processed poultry in Hangzhou will be isolated from other food sections in future.