Thanks to Gert van der Hoek at FluTrackers for the heads-up on this story. Via Confirman casos de chikungunya.[Chikungunya cases confirmed] Excerpt, with my translation:
Tres casos sospechosos de fiebre chikungunya fueron confirmados en las últimas horas por médicos especialistas del Hospital Escuela Universitario (HEU).
Three suspected cases of chikungunya fever were confirmed last yesterday by specialists in the University School Hospital(HEU).
Los casos fueron confirmados ayer por José Antonio Samra, médico especialista en pediatría del HEU y asesor clínico del Programa Nacional de Dengue.
The cases were confirmed yesterday by José Antonio Samra, pediatric specialist at HEU and clinical assessor in the National Dengue Program.
El galeno explicó que el año anterior durante el análisis de casos de dengue se dio con “tres personas por diagnóstico de exclusión, quiere decir que serológicamente se estudió para dengue y no era dengue”.
The doctor explained that last year during analysis of cases, "three persons were diagnosed by exclusion; that is, serologically they were tested for dengue but it wasn't dengue.
“Después se les hizo prueba cruzada, por lo que es la enfermedad de chikungunya, y salieron positivas las tres personas”, agregó el galeno.
"Later they were cross-tested, and the three came out positive for chikungunya," the doctor added.
El especialista en manejo clínico de dengue alertó a la población a prestar atención a síntomas como fiebres, dolores o inflamación articular.
The specialist in clinical dengue management alerted the public to pay attention to symptoms such as fever, pains, or joint inflammation.
What's striking is that these cases were first spotted last year. But when exactly? They may predate the Caribbean cases, which first appeared in October.