Thanks to Dr. Ian Mackay for tweeting the link to End Ebola Now. Click through to watch a video PSA (5:31) and explore the site. Excerpt:
As many of you know, the Ebola virus has plagued West Africa, and now the borders of Sierra Leone, Guinea and Liberia have been shut down. Given the severity of the situation as much information as possible should be disseminated in efforts to solve the crisis associated with this epidemic.
A group of Sierra Leonean-Americans in the entertainment industry came together in Los Angles, California to shoot an informational PSA for Sierra Leone and the West African region. Conspiracy theories and rumors have run rampant, keeping people away from hospitals, afraid that the very doctors who are there to help them are the ones giving them the virus.
The key goal of this PSA is to target West African communities with very high illiteracy rates to make sure that these individuals get the proper information to seek medical assistance if infected and stress the importance of taking preventative measures to keep the Ebola virus from spreading.
We are in contact with various channels to help us with distribution in Sierra Leone. We are also translating the video into numerous West African dialects from various countries.
The site is going into the Ebola Resources list.