CMRE has emailed the August 28 update, with data for August 27. The big story is a new case in South Kivu; it seems to be the 6th in the Mwenga health zone. Excerpt from the Google translation:
Date: Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of cases is 2,997, of which 2,892 confirmed and 105 probable. In total, there were 1,998 deaths (1,893 confirmed and 105 probable) and 893 people healed.
• 378 suspected cases under investigation;
• 14 new confirmed cases, including:
º 7 in North Kivu, including 3 in Beni, 1 in Mutwanga, 1 in Kalunguta, 1 in Katwa and 1 in Mabalako;
º 6 in Ituri at 4 in Mambasa and 2 in Mandima;
º 1 in South Kivu in Mwenga.
• 4 new confirmed deaths, including 3 in North Kivu and 1 in Ituri:
º 2 community deaths in Ituri in Mandima;
º 2 deaths in CTE in North Kivu, including 1 in Beni and 1 in Butembo;
• 2 people healed from ETCs in North Kivu in Beni;
• No health worker is among the new confirmed cases. The cumulative number of confirmed / probable cases among health workers is 156 (5% of all confirmed / probable cases), including 41 deaths.
/!\The data presented in this table are subject to change after extensive investigation and after redistribution of cases and deaths in their respective health areas.
Organization of a motorized caravan in Butembo
• On Wednesday, August 28, 2019, the Sub-Coordination of the Response to Ebola Virus Disease organized, through its communication commission, a motorized caravan in the Katsya Health Area in Butembo in North Kivu Province;
• This caravan was intended to exhale the end of Ebola in this health area. For the response teams, this is an opportunity to spread the message that it is possible to end Ebola in Katsya;
• More than 100 taximen from various associations of Butembo motorcyclists supported, by their participation, said caravan which is part of the large parking of the taximen of Vubange located in the Katsya health area, passing through Base, the main artery of Butembo, the Takenga roundabout, the avenue of schools to fall by the esplanade of the office of the district of Vutetse where the population met;
• In total more than 500 people, coming from here and there in the community, rushed through the motorized caravan in the health area and went to participate in an educational comedy that embellished this mass activity;
• The comedy conveyed as the main message, the measures to be observed to avoid Ebola virus contamination. These include the importance of hand washing, denouncing and going to the nearest health facilities on time to ensure the reasons for the signs displayed, the need for vaccination and the lifting rumors about ETC;
• This day ended with the game of questions and answers around messages transmitted through comedy.
• Since vaccination began on August 8, 2018, 206,774 people have been vaccinated;
• The only vaccine to be used in this outbreak is the rVSV-ZEBOV vaccine, manufactured by the pharmaceutical group Merck, following approval by the Ethics Committee in its decision of 20 May 2018.
• Perturbation of activities at the PoC VULINDI (BUTEMBO): It is an attack of the incivists not otherwise identified, whose provisional report mentions two firearms taken from the soldiers committed in support of this PoC, and a tax collector stabbed while the daily receipts were swept away by the same assailants, The same attack also had repercussions on the activities at PoCs Kangote and Parking Victory.
• Since the beginning of the epidemic, the cumulative number of travelers checked (temperature measurement) at the sanitary control points, until August 26, 2019, 88,945,794;
• To date, a total of 98 entry points (PoE) and sanitary control points (PoCs) have been set up in the provinces of North Kivu and Ituri to protect the country's major cities and prevent the spread of the epidemic in neighboring countries.